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Katy Perry comparte triste mensaje por la muerte de su gata

La pareja de Orlando Bloom contó lo sucedido en su cuenta de Instagram qué pasó con“Kitty Purry”, quien fue parte de uno de sus videoclips.

Fecha Actualización
La cantante Katy Perry atraviesa un triste momento tras la muerte que su gata llamada Kitty Purry, quien fue su mascota por quince años.
Perry contó en su red social que su querida mascota fue un animal callejero que rescató y lo convirtió en uno de los gatos más famosos del mundo.
“Kitty Purry se arrastró por la ventana de mi entonces novio hace 15 años, completamente embarazada y buscando refugio. Dos camadas y muchas lunas más tarde, este gato callejero se convirtió en una mascota adorable para muchos”, comentó la estadounidense en su cuenta de Instagram.
“Lamentablemente, Kitty completó su novena vida anoche. Espero que descanse en filetes de salmón y tartar de atún en el cielo de gatos”, añadió la intérprete de “Roar”.
Kitty Purry apareció en el video musical “I Kissed a girl” y desde ese momento se convirtió en el favorito de los seguidores de la pareja de Orlando Bloom.
Como se recuerda, la cantante sufrió otra pérdida familiar. A inicios de marzo publicó la sensible muerte de su abuela, a quien dedicó un sentido mensaje sobre la admiración que le tiene.
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I don’t know when a soul enters a new vehicle but if there is an afterlife where there’s a waiting room of the coming and going my mind wonders if the soul that is waiting to come into my world is getting a kiss on the forehead from my sweet Grandma that departed this earth yesterday. My heart hopes so. If she is able to speak with the soul in waiting the conversation would probably include “are you sure you wanna pick this wild group?!” There would most definitely be some sarcasm, a witty quip or two... tbh grandma probably had a glass of her favorite blush wine ready upon arrival to this afterlife... and a most fashionable look, jewels included, naturally. A lot of what I am is because of my father... and he is because of her. She started it all, as she used to remind us and I’m so grateful she did. Family... is there to show us what love can be... sometimes that journey of finding the love is tough to get to AND through but if you can open your heart and let the light lead the way you will find that incomparable love. Ann Pearl Hudson was a fighter. She survived the Great Depression, raised 3 kids on her own as a seamstress, making G strings for showgirls and other such characters in Vegas. She was always authentically herself, funny and full of all the sweet cozy things you think of when you think of grandmas. She gave me crisp dollar bills in hallmark cards, she let us eat her favorite almond cookies from the 99 cent store while we asked questions about the different fans she had displayed on her walls. She was a wonderful grandma and I will forever carry some of her in me. When my whit comes out, that’s Ann. When my authenticity comes out, that’s Ann. When my stubbornness comes out, hell, that’s Ann. When my fighter spirit comes out, that’s Ann. When my style comes out, that’s Ann. May she rest in deep peace and kiss the forehead of the soul to come and let them know everything is gonna be OK, especially now that they have gained an angel to look over them ????

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